A downloadable project

A 2.5D resource management game about directing energy of yourself and others into building up a community rooftop farm and farmstand. Focus on running a farmstand and advocating in the community for growth and increased vibrancy

Goal is to grow your community and vibrancy.

Growth - how many people are in your community This correlates to increased  sales and how many people you can reach with advocacy. You cannot not sell more without community growth

Vibrancy - the look and feel of a neighborhood, the visuals of your environment become better and more beautiful as this increases. *You influence this by introducing plants to the community spaces and making donations. Gives players something to customize the space with* (Akin to the community center from *Stardew Valley*)


Oxygen Not Included, Tinykin, Frieren Beyond Journeys End, Stardew Valley, Echoes of the Plum Grove

Published 12 days ago

Development log

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